• The stages of change model, also known as the Transtheoretical Model, helps individuals understand their readiness and motivation to change their behavior. This model is often [...]

  • You eat the right foods, drink the right drinks, and exercise regularly. In other words, you’re strong and healthy. There is only one hole in your overall good health. [...]

  • You may have heard the term "recovery" floating around lately.  What does this term mean? As it pertains to wellness, it is the process of speeding up your [...]

  • What do you want out of life? Have you ever asked anyone or yourself this question? If you haven’t asked yourself this you should pause and take a moment [...]

  • Have you ever said to yourself “I want to make my life better?” Most, if not all of us have or will say it at some point. It may [...]

  • Which has more impact on weight loss? You know you need to eat the right foods and get regular exercise to lose weight. But when the thought of early [...]

  • You're never too old to exercise. An active lifestyle is important at every age, but becomes an even greater factor in health as you age. Regular exercise helps control [...]

  • The do’s and don'ts when it comes to exercise. The fitness world can be a confusing place to navigate. Everyone you talk to has a different piece of advice [...]

  • Sit around all day and you can expect to be sick, overweight, depressed, and on your way to premature death. It's easy to focus on the present without thought [...]

  • Are you guilty of these 5 common exercise mistakes? From correct form and gym etiquette to counting calories and fitness apps, the exercise world can be a confusing place. [...]