July 26, 2024
The Importance of Strength Training
When the majority of people think about the importance of exercise, the first thing that comes to mind is cardio. While cardio is very important to maintaining and improving health, strength training is so vastly important to our vitality!
Cardiovascular training strengthens our heart, lungs, and improves endurance. But did you know that strength training does the same… plus more? Regularly participating in strength sessions is also important to weight loss, bone health, easing symptoms of arthritis and low back pain, improved sleep, and feeling healthy overall.
We will touch on most of the benefits of strength training, but let’s start by focusing on one that peaks most individuals’ interest: weight loss/weight maintenance. When people think about weight loss or maintaining their weight, their mind goes to cardio. Cardio is good for your weight and fat loss, but it is important to understand that strength training is very important as well! This is because muscle mass is vital to boosting your metabolism and the calories your body burns at rest (known as your BMR). The higher your muscle mass, the more calories you burn at rest. Naturally, as we age, we begin to lose muscle, so it is important to continue strength training as we advance in life. Functional fitness is proven to effectively build muscle while also being safe for all ages, so you don’t have to worry about the injuries that potentially happen in traditional strength training sessions.
Weight training improves the strength of our muscles which includes muscles like the heart as well! When done correctly, a strength session also increases the heart rate improving the strength of that muscle as well. In turn, endurance also increases. Having enough muscle mass to support your spine and joints can also help to alleviate pains that result from arthritis too. A good strength session will improve your quality of sleep and help you feel healthier in your daily life. Remember, as we age, it is very important to work on building and retaining our muscle mass so we can live healthier, happier, longer lives!
Keep up the cardio but be sure you are regularly participating in weight training as well!
Do you have questions about strength training safely and efficiently? If so feel free to contact us by responding to this email or giving us a call.
by Kimberly Jenkins
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